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How Much Do You Need to have in Common?

In many cases we cannot control whom we fall in love with or when we fall in love. It is an involuntary feeling that just occurs. However, there are usually some characteristics or personalities traits that attract us to the one that we love.

The attraction may be first based on purely physical appearance. Later it may develop into more intimate and personal characteristics. No matter what it is that attracts us to our mate we must question is it enough for a long lasting relationship?

How much does a couple need to have in common to make it work? Of course with the big issues we must find some common ground. Those include ideas on things such as religion, marriage, children, lifestyle, money, and more.

But what about the smaller things? How much do they matter? Do you and your spouse or mate need to share common interest in sports, music, movies, foods, and other smaller issues?

While I do not think that differences in these issues will completely destroy a relationship or marriage, I think that it does help to have some common ground on them. Sharing the same interest in activities and likes or dislikes can help make your relationship more fun. You will have more to discuss and more interest in doing things together.

When two people find that they despise the activities that one other enjoys, they may find that they spend a lot of time apart. This in turn can lead to more serious problems.

In one recent article that I read, the author described how important she feels that a couple shares the same musical interest. She believes that the type of music that you listen to tells a lot about a person. Therefore couples work better and last longer when they share similar interest in this category.

I think that the same goes for other interests as well.

Martial Tips


Couple Communication