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How Much Should You Eat?

It’s human nature: some of us will take something to one extreme and some will take it to the other. Pregnant woman are warned to avoid overindulging in the “eating for two” diet, which can put baby at risk for obesity later in life. Some women take this advice and go completely too far with it, not gaining enough during pregnancy and putting the baby at risk for low birth weight and problems with brain and spinal cord development. Ideally a pregnant woman should add about 300 calories to her daily intake. Depending on what kinds of foods you are adding to your diet, 300 calories could be a snack or a meal. Here are some meal ideas to get that extra 300 calories in your diet:

Second Breakfast?
Have 1 cup of cereal with 1 cup of milk, tea, and a banana. If you prefer hot cereal, substitute 1 cup of oatmeal with raisins and add 1 cup of fruit.

Add a Salad
Toss a large salad with a few tablespoons of oil and vinegar, a few strips of sliced chicken, a few veggies, and a handful of crackers on the side.

Junk Food
In an ideal world, pregnant women wouldn’t eat junk food, but who am I kidding? A handful of tortilla chips is about 300 calories. Craving the golden arches? A single cheeseburger instantly fills that extra calorie allowance. For a special treat, combine dark chocolate, dried cranberries and pecans to make delicious clusters that are low in fat and full of nutrients.

Bountiful Fruits and Veggies
When you choose healthy foods like fruits for your extra 300 calories, you really get to splurge. You could eat three bananas, two and a half grapefruit, half of a pineapple, or six kiwi. Vegetables more your style? How about nine small potatoes, four carrots, a big bowl of canned sweet corn, or eight tomatoes. If you enjoy eating, you might want to switch to a healthier diet so you can enjoy more foods and feel full!

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About Kim Neyer

Kim is a freelance writer, photographer and stay at home mom to her one-year-old son, Micah. She has been married to her husband, Eric, since 2006. She is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater, with a degree in English Writing. In her free time she likes to blog, edit photos, crochet, read, watch movies with her family, and play guitar.