Earlier this week, I was contacted by a friend about a business venture that she is starting. Interestingly, I have never met this person nor have I ever heard her voice, but I feel an amazing connection with her and I am anxious to assist her with her project.
Late last month, someone e-mailed me and said, “Traci, there is a great blogging job available that you would love”. I applied, here I am…and she was right! I have never met that person either, yet I consider her a dear friend.
For anyone involved in a home business, networking with like minded home-based professionals is essential for many reasons. First, I personally think I would go insane if I was left here with no one to chat with but my children and dog. I love them all, of course, but you can only talk about dinosaurs, trucks and princess tiaras before you’ll start to lose your noodle a bit.
Second, because networking with other “WAHMS” (work at home moms…and dads too) on forums will allow us to learn more about new opportunities, job openings, tips and tricks for making your home business a success.
For example, I started my first professional blog less than a year ago. I had no clue what I was doing. I simply knew that I loved to write, and design sites. Soon, I was “eavesdropping” on a bloggers forum where the members were sharing tips and tricks with one another. Suddenly, I was creating my own site using the tips I’d overheard. Everyday I check the forum briefly for new ideas (and to share some of my own). Each week, my blog gains traffic as I implement the lesson’s I’ve learned.
When I was involved in direct sales, I used forums to meet new customers and consultants. I never “spammed” the forums to tell people about my “great new opportunity”. I simply responded to people’s questions, and involved myself in the discussions. Ironically, I probably met more customers in a political debate forum than anywhere else. (Let’s just say that I like to ‘argue’ in my free-time).
When you network on forums you don’t need to even mention your home-business opportunity. In fact, I would encourage you *not* to. Often people will be turned off by people that are involved in forums simply to promote their business. Sites like Families.com allow you to briefly mention your home business in your signature line. In addition, if you are a “frequent flyer” on forums, the members will begin to trust and befriend you. I can’t even count how many people have became customers of mine simply because they became a “virtual-friend” and wanted to know what I was involved in.
While I am an active member of numerous “work-at-home” forums, I was thrilled when I recently found the Families.com forums. They are active, professionally monitored, and everyone is warm and welcoming.
If you haven’t networked with other home-based professionals yet, get started today! You’ll be amazed at how much it can enhance your business. We are anxious to meet you on the home business forum!
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