My daughter just got a new job. I told her it’s her first “big girl” job, she has to dress nicely and now works in a cubicle with the rest of the world. It also means that now she is doing laundry that is a little different than her fast food restaurant uniform. When she got the job I took her out and bought her some business clothes, this child lives in jeans and t-shirts. She has a few skirts and sweaters but not enough, she needed some more grown up clothes.
Fast forward just one week and she has managed to ruin all of her good button down shirts. It seems that she put the clothes in the washer and then poured the liquid detergent in, then started the washer. Then she dried them without looking to see if everything was okay. This is not how she was taught but I have to accept some responsibility because since it’s just the two of us it’s more efficient to do our laundry together so I’ve always done most of the laundry.
Now all of her pretty light colored button down shirts have bright green stains on them. I’m seriously rethinking this detergent, these aren’t light colored stains, this is really, really, bright, I’m surprised it hasn’t stained everything. These shirts look like someone took a green marker to them. I got online to see if I could find any ideas to save them. As helpful as all of the information was, nothing has worked. I tried a Tide pen, I tried Shout, and I soaked them in vinegar. I guess the stains are too set in from being run through the dryer.
I can’t believe we spent all that money on clothes and now they are ruined, fortunately her pants are all black, brown or gray so if they got stained as well, you can’t see it. I would love to find something that would really work so if you have any ideas, I’m all ears. If I ruin the shirts it’s no loss, they are ruined anyway. This is why teenagers and appliances don’t mix.