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How Others See Us

It’s interesting how those who are outside the church, see those who go to church and claim to be Christians. Some of their attitudes are strange, contradictory and challenging.They should make us look at our behavior and see if there are things we need to change.

A recent survey in America of those who don’t go to church found many of these people actually believe God or some higher being exists. The survey found 72 percent believed this. However, and this is the sobering fact, the same number also believed the church is full of hypocrites. It’s a sad comment on Christianity when people can hold this attitude.

It is sad too, when many can say ‘Christians get on their nerves.’ If that is because we are trying to live a godly life and live by the teachings of Jesus and what we believe in, then fair enough. But if it is because they see inconsistencies between what we say and what we do, then that is a sad comment on the way we are living out our lives. You cannot just be a Sunday Christian. It has to be something that affects every choice, every decision, everyday life.

But the thing I found really interesting in the survey was that 61 percent of those non church goers think the God of the Bible is no different from the gods depicted by Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism. Considering the fact that Buddhism is a philosophy that has no God and that Hindus worship many, this is a bizarre stance. It shows how little people outside the church know about the God of the bible. One could wonder whose fault is that.

Is that because we are unwilling to share what we know about God with them? Because we are unwilling to make relationships with those who don’t go to church and would rather stay in our holy huddles? Or is it because we are so frightened of being unpopular or ridiculed or of offending people that we never talk about God at all, we never talk about what the Bible teaches or what we learned from God’s Word? It’s certainly something to think about. Join me for more next week.

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