My definition of organization means getting everything done that needs to be done that day and being able to find what I need to find when I need it.
Everyone has a different personality and mine does not include organization. Though it doesn’t appear that there is any rhyme and reason to my office or the way I do things, in reality my lack of organization is my organization.
I have many piles all over the place, but I know what is in those piles. I lose more things when I clean my office or reorganize the piles then by leaving it alone. I recently lost a check because I had to clean the house. I know, if I had put it in a drawer or on a bulletin board in the first place it wouldn’t have got lost. BUT, I knew where it was until I cleaned.
I do have a few things I have to do to keep track of everything I do.
CALENDAR: I have a calendar on my computer where I add all appointments, parties, and meetings I have. In there I put all the contact info including addresses and phone numbers. At one time my calendar could be uploaded to my palm pilot, but after my son destroyed it I haven’t gotten a new one. However, the calendar from the software is great (and searchable).
LISTS: I am working on making lists. This way I can jot down my different businesses, volunteer work, appointments and personal things I need to do. Then I can write down what needs to be done. Every day or two I transfer it to a new list. I also try to write personal and business goals on my list.
EXCEL: I love Microsoft Excel. I use this for planning. It has a great “sum” function so I can add up minutes, dollars, hours and other numbers to see what needs to be done each day. I have a document for my Discovery Toys parties and sales, my Power Pops sales, my discount groups and credit, and other things I need to keep track of for future reference.
BASKETS: I have found that baskets help my piles. The only problem is the baskets take up a lot of space. However, I have a few for the kitchen, dining room, my office and toys. I can understand basket addiction.
So that is my method for keeping track of where things are and what I need to do.