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How the Unorganized Person Stays Organized

My definition of organization means getting everything done that needs to be done that day and being able to find what I need to find when I need it.

Everyone has a different personality and mine does not include organization. Though it doesn’t appear that there is any rhyme and reason to my office or the way I do things, in reality my lack of organization is my organization.

I have many piles all over the place, but I know what is in those piles. I lose more things when I clean my office or reorganize the piles then by leaving it alone. I recently lost a check because I had to clean the house. I know, if I had put it in a drawer or on a bulletin board in the first place it wouldn’t have got lost. BUT, I knew where it was until I cleaned.

I do have a few things I have to do to keep track of everything I do.

CALENDAR: I have a calendar on my computer where I add all appointments, parties, and meetings I have. In there I put all the contact info including addresses and phone numbers. At one time my calendar could be uploaded to my palm pilot, but after my son destroyed it I haven’t gotten a new one. However, the calendar from the software is great (and searchable).

LISTS: I am working on making lists. This way I can jot down my different businesses, volunteer work, appointments and personal things I need to do. Then I can write down what needs to be done. Every day or two I transfer it to a new list. I also try to write personal and business goals on my list.

EXCEL: I love Microsoft Excel. I use this for planning. It has a great “sum” function so I can add up minutes, dollars, hours and other numbers to see what needs to be done each day. I have a document for my Discovery Toys parties and sales, my Power Pops sales, my discount groups and credit, and other things I need to keep track of for future reference.

BASKETS: I have found that baskets help my piles. The only problem is the baskets take up a lot of space. However, I have a few for the kitchen, dining room, my office and toys. I can understand basket addiction.

So that is my method for keeping track of where things are and what I need to do.

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About Debbie LaCroix

Debbie is a work at home mom to two active boys. She is the owner of http://www.passiontosuccess.com, a website that offers tools , information, job listings and a message board to help you succeed. If you want to work from home, come visit. Her passion is her children and she is an Usborne Books rep (www.goreadtoday.com). Debbie graduated with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Sociology. She worked in TV, radio, newspaper and advertising. Debbie began staying home when her oldest was born. She was bored and fell into direct sales, where she soon became successful. When not working from home or playing, Debbie loves to write and spend time with her husband. They have begun date nights once a month after realizing that it is too easy to get lost in being a mom and working. Her best piece of advice: Follow your heart. It will lead you in the right direction.