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How To Be a Great Guest: Party Etiquette

Everything in life has its proper place and time and that includes human diversions also known as parties. In many ways, the party is the universe’s way of giving all of us a time to let our hair down, so to speak. (If you wear a toupee, you will have to use your imagination to make this point clear.) Still there are some rules of the road to follow, even if you can’t find the path. Consider the following:

1. Answer all invitations promptly. Don’t wait to respond to the last minute and if you are going to commit this social blunder, do not ever say, “I am letting you know late because I was waiting to see if I would be invited somewhere else.” Parties can’t be planned on “maybes” and food and space require calculation and preparation.

2. Be true to your word. Do not say you will come and then not show up. There are few things in life that are ruder, and the only good excuse for not keeping one’s word is one’s death, which probably can be arranged with very little prodding from an angry host or hostess.

3. Try to “put on a happy face” as the old song goes. Fake it, if you have to. No one wants to sit next to or talk to a negative sour puss and there’s plenty of time to be sad and negative after the party’s over. You owe it to your host or hostess to socialize and make the best of the occasion, no matter how you may feel. You may end up feeling better despite yourself because of the diversionary benefits of other people’s problems and foibles, which are at least as bad as your own.

4. Volunteer to help the host or hostess. Offer to pass a tray, answer the door or hang coats (or unpleasant guests). This will also force you to mingle and get off that couch. Back off if your host doesn’t want any help. The fact that you asked still counts.

Stay tuned for more party etiquette tips. In the mean time, in between time, have fun!

Related Reading:

“Cool Cocktail Parties”


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About Marjorie Dorfman

Marjorie Dorfman is a freelance writer and former teacher originally from Brooklyn, New York. A graduate of New York University School of Education, she now lives in Doylestown, PA, with quite a few cats that keep her on her toes at all times. Originally a writer of ghostly and horror fiction, she has branched out into the world of humorous non-fiction writing in the last decade. Many of her stories have been published in various small presses throughout the country during the last twenty years. Her book of stories, "Tales For A Dark And Rainy Night", reflects her love and respect for the horror and ghost genre.