There are so many worthy causes, charities and areas of God’s work that need money. Obviously we can’t give to them all, and to give to none is not what God wants as He wants us to be generous and share what we have. So, how do we decide which ones to support?
In the Old Testament the tithe was given to the priest and Levites to support them as they did God’s work. The other area where money was given was to the poor. In the New Testament, giving was targeted towards meeting the needs of those who share God’s Word and teach, Galatians 6:6.
Following on from this then, our giving should be to support:
the work of the church we attend and are part of
gospel work further afield e.g. missionaries
those in need.
Yet there are so many mission organizations. If you’re unsure about what mission organizations to direct your money to, I suggest you sit down and list those you know that have needs, which would probably be any mission organization. Then think about what, to you, are major areas of concern and importance. For example one of my prime concerns is for people being able to read the Bible, which means I’m keen to support missions like The Bible Society or Wycliffe Bible Translators which gets the Bible into the hands of people in a language they can understand.
The other concern is supporting those taking the gospel to unchurched young people. As a child coming from a family that never went to church, I would not have heard the gospel message had it not been for faithful Scripture teachers in schools and also friends who invited me to Sunday School and Sunday School teachers who taught me. So another concern of mine is children hearing the gospel through Special Religious Education classes in schools and organizations like SECET, which takes the gospel message to young people in our local area. Therefore I am likely to support an organization that aims to get the gospel out to these young people that do not come to church. Giving also means giving time to pray for the work of these organizations.
Similarly I have a passion for children’s ministry. After all I’m the product of it! So I would be likely to support anything which trains and equips people for children’s ministry e.g. Youthworks.
When it comes to helping the needy in our world, again it seems there is so much need. I am more inclined to give in a regular fashion to an organization such as World Vision or Compassion, than charity collectors who come to the door, or phone or send letters. I’ll deal with this topic a bit more tomorrow.
You may have other concerns and so order your priorities regarding your giving differently but it should still be considered and structured not haphazard and spur of the moment. So, if you haven’t already done it, now is the time to think and pray about how much God would have you give and about the areas you are most concerned about. Then you will be able to determine how best you can direct your giving to incorporate these concerns. Make your choices about giving count.
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