My children were very excited yesterday when we ceremoniously broke out the new fall shoes for church. It was the first Sunday morning for us where the kids needed to dress slightly warmer for the change in temperature.
We have always been rebels in cold weather. My husband wears shorts year round. Last year when our car was stuck in several feet of snow–he dug out the car in shorts. And no, he didn’t have a jacket on either. . .just gloves. (If you’re going to wear shorts–do you really need a jacket?)
When my oldest daughter was about two she would scream when we went outside because she felt too hot to put on her coat. Finally I defied the wisdom of grandmothers everywhere and got smart. I started bringing the coat. . .just in case, but stopped making her put it on unless she was cold. And lo and behold, like her dad, she’s rarely cold.
So here is a newsflash for all you mommies that love to bundle, bundle, bundle: cold weather does not make your baby sick. Really, honestly and truly, babies don’t get sick in cold weather. In fact, the weather in and of itself is a non-factor when it comes to getting sick. Viruses and bacteria love winters because now all of the sudden, everyone is indoors sneezing and coughing on each other. But if you wash your hands every time you’re handling baby, you decrease her chance of getting sick ten fold and then some.
So should you bundle your baby? Only as much as you’re bundled (or of course if she/he seems cold.) If you have a light jacket, that’s all your baby needs. If you have on winter coats with hats, gloves, and double layers–then your baby probably should too. But babies are no more susceptible to germs than you are. . .as long as those who are handling them wash their hands. (The exception to this statement is preemies. Preemies have weakened immune systems that are more susceptible to whatever is floating around.)
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