On of my favorite books growing up was “How To Eat Fried Worms”, the book written by Thomas Rockwell has been a children’s classic since the seventies. I can remember reading the book for the first time and being completely disgusted at the very idea of trying too eat worms. I seem to remember a conversation held by myself and some other children in my backyard about what worms would taste like, and some dares made for who would be the first in our group of friends to try them and find out.
Today New Line Cinema releases “How To Eat Fried Worms” the movie version of the classic book. Where as before when you only could imagine the grossness of worms, now there is a movie that can show you exactly what they look like.
The basic premise of the story, if you missed it in third grade, is a boy named Billy movies to a new town with his family. As is the elementary school customer he new kid automatically becomes the target of every bully in school particularly a fifth grader named Joe. When the bullying gets to be too much, Billy bets Joe that he can eat ten fried worms by the end of the day on Saturday. Joe of course gets the privilege of deciding what the worms will be cooked in and goes out of his way to make that as revolting as possible.
This movie is full of in your face worm action. If worms bother you, then you should probably send your children to see this with a babysitter. If worms don’t bother you, they probably will by the end of this movie.
Overall however this is a cute PG movie you can feel comfortable taking your elementary school aged child to without fear of them seeing anything inappropriate, except a few worms.