Boredom can influence whether or not a couple is happy in their marriage and may even lead to divorce. While we think of tension and fighting all of the time as symptom of an impending divorce, a new study that will be published in Psychological Science says that boredom in the disparity of a marriage has a greater role than we think.
The problem with boredom is that it usually requires some sense of comfort and closeness. You aren’t usually bored with someone you hardly know, but neither are you close. Closeness is a very positive thing for couples. The bond between two people can be quite powerful. But, if you aren’t careful, it is easy to get a bit too complacent and stuck in a rut.
So what are some ways to ward off boredom? Here are some suggestions.
Learn something new about your spouse
We tend to think that we know everything there is about our spouses. After all, we are the closest to them. But people are very complicated, filled with choices and experiences that happened long before we came on the scene. One of the sexiest things ever for me to to lean something new about my husband. Seeing photos of what he looked like in high school or hearing tales about his past that I hadn’t heard before can spark all sorts of great interest.
Go on a new adventure together
Having a new experience together can be a great way to get out of routine. From rock climbing to opera, from a trip to Europe to building a deck, these new experiences can add some excitement that you can share together.
Build new dreams
Focusing on new dreams and new goals can be quite exiting. Last night after we put the kids to bed and collapsed on the couch, we started watching a movie. There is routine and rut right there, right? But when my husband remarked on the gorgeous painted interior ceilings in one scene, we could start talking and dreaming of seeing something like it some day in person.
How do you keep boredom out of your marriage?
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, creating a home in the Home Blog, caring for little ones in the Baby Blog and now relationships in the Marriage Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here.
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