You’ll get the freshest taste and the best value for your money when you purchase your produce in season. While our modern world makes strawberries available in the middle of winter, you may be paying a premium for them in both price and flavor.
Instead, learn which produce is in season in your area, and you’ll be in the best shape.
How can you tell which produce is in season? Well, there are several ways. Start with what is readily available and on sale. Chances are that this produce is in season. Look at the condition of what is available. Is the produce large and healthy looking? Ripe? These are good indications that the produce you are looking at is at its peak.
Buying locally can be another great way of buying produce in season without too much effort. Local farmers markets will offer a rotating selection of whatever produce happens to be ready for harvesting at any given time. Shop at least once a week for the freshest and best selection. Sometimes local farmers will force produce by using hot houses. This produce will of course still be very fresh, although it might cost you just a little bit more money than average.
You can also find out what produce is in season by doing a little research before you go to do your produce shopping. Remember that produce comes in to peak in different regions at different time, so it is best to examine the schedule as it relates to your own area.
One wonderful resource to check to find out which produce is in season in your area when is This site is anon-profit and run by the Natural Resources Defense Council, a national environmental organization.
Remember that it isn’t a crime if you do want strawberries in the winter. One solution is to buy them in the summer and then freeze.