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How To Get Better Rest and Have More Energy!

  1. Too worried to sleep? Listen to an audio book until you fall asleep. The narrative will drown out that voice in your head that’s reviewing tomorrow’s to-do list.
  2. Drink enough water. Dehydration can make you fatigued! Be sure to drink eight glasses of water every day. With all the flavored waters out there and powdered, sugar-free drink mixes, you should have no excuse for skipping the water!
  3. Ginseng (especially the Siberian variety) can help boost your stamina. It’s been studied in both animals and humans and can give you a serious boost. Just don’t overuse it — your body will get used to the dose and it can become less effective. Don’t take ginseng for more than three months at a time.
  4. Bust stress with repetitive motion. Something like knitting or swimming laps can help distract you from the daily stresses of work and life. It’s the rhythm that helps settle you the most, according to researchers.
  5. Can’t keep your eyes open? Wake them up with some serious looking. Look up and to the left as far as you can, then up and to the right. The motion will help wake you up when you can’t get up and hop around.
  6. Still can’t keep your eyes open? Open a window. The fresh air will help perk you up and give you a boost of energy.
  7. Still can’t keep your eyes open after that? Get up from your desk and move around. Get the blood flowing! Swing your arms in circles, hop up and down, jog in place for a minute. I dare you to still feel tired after all that. Go ahead. Try it!
  8. Push your bedtime up by ten minutes. The extra bit of sleep won’t make a huge difference, but after six days, you’ll have found an extra hour of rest. You can gradually train yourself into a new bedtime — just move your bedtime up by ten minutes more every two weeks or so until you’re hitting the hay early enough to get your full eight hours.