One of the great things about owning your own business is that you can move the business forward at whatever pace you feel comfortable with. There are no other decision-makers to tell you when it’s time to update your marketing strategy or reassess your pricing. There is also no one telling you what your work hours should be and when it is time to consider changing your schedule. You are responsible for ensuring that your business continues to evolve and while this may seem like a heavy burden, it can also be a great joy.
One of the many joys of having a child is watching him grow. My son seems to grow slowly and too quickly all at the same time, and it is simply amazing to watch and participate in his growth and development. For many of us that own our own businesses, they are like children to us. They are a source of pride, something that we feel a great deal of responsibility for, and something that can constantly grow and change if we allow them to. Unfortunately, sometimes we get stuck in a rut and the growth process of our business slows down or stops for a while. The good news is that if you are nodding your head in agreement with the last sentence, there is something that you can do about it.
First, take a look at how you are spending your working hours. Are you plodding away in the production department almost all of the time and spending little to no time on other areas of your business like marketing or accounting? If so, it’s time to shake up your schedule a little and write in time for working in those other “departments”. This will get the wheels of your business turning again. Also, be sure to use some of the time that you have scheduled for tasks unrelated to production for goal setting. Thinking about what you want to achieve and planning doable action steps to get yourself there is a great way to break out of a rut.
Is your business moving onward and upward?
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