Product: How to Have a H.E.A.R.T For Your Kids by: Rachael Carman
Target Audience: Homeschool Moms
Format: Book
Publisher: Apologia
Cost: $13.00
After being a homeschool mom for nine years I can tell you all about the ups and downs. I can share the tears and the joy. I would tell you that my homeschool is based on God, excellence, and academics. I would tell you my focus is on family and training up young soldiers for God’s army. While I mean every word of it if you came to my house on a trying day you may not see it. The time I need to maintain focus the most it seems just out of my grasp. I pray that God minimizes the damage to my children caused by my lack of focus . I know many other homeschool moms have similar stories. Many are overwhelmed and struggle at times. The important moments are sometimes lost during times of discouragement. I look at my oldest and I take pride (maybe too much) in knowing that I taught her to read, I taught her add and subtract, I taught her how to find her state on the map and I am teaching her how to love the Lord. Wait…am I discipling properly?
How to Have a H.E.A.R.T. For Your Kids is a little book with a big impact. The lessons taught are not new yet they resonate. The author makes things simple while she is transparent about her own challenges and how she achieved victory. The book is divided into five chapters using the acronym for heart.
H- Have a heart for the things of God
E- Enrich your marriage
A- Accept your kids
R-Release them to God
T-Teach them the Truth
The beauty of the book is found in the simplicity. As mentioned the lessons are neither new nor ground breaking. However that was not the point. The manner in which she presents this information is the key. It is transparent, clear, heartfelt, and easy to refer back to during those times you need a bit of a boost. A great book to add to your homeschool library on your “for moms” shelf.
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