Moms certainly have a lot of pressure put upon them either from others or from themselves. Sometimes we don’t even realize all of the stresses in our lives until things reach a point where we are suffering from physical or mental symptoms. When you have young children, you are constantly needed and in demand. One of the latest ways to deal with mom stress is to have a mom-cation. Here are some ideas.
A mom-cation can come in many forms. Sometimes it is a girls only trip with your friends, away from the normal routine of being a mom. Other times it is a quite trip alone to contemplate life outside of being a mom. And sometimes it takes the form of a quiet oasis in the middle of the day or on a weekend, when you can just take some time out for yourself.
Girls Away
Being able to renew your friendships with other women who may or may not e moms is a great way to remind yourself of who you are as a woman and not just a mom. It may also give you an opportunity to explore hidden interests and talents that don’t directly relate to your mom status. Having girlfriends along for support can help you refresh.
Hermit Mom
There are many merits to taking a mom-cation all by yourself. Imagine being somewhere where you can spend you day in whatever fashion you like, sleeping in until noon, eating good food prepared by someone else (or at least food that doesn’t contain peanut butter), and spending hours without interruption. With no outside demands, a mom-cation alone can give you the time to really reflect on your own goals and dreams.
Daily Oasis
If you can’t imagine getting away from your family, or just don’t want to, taking little mini mom-cations throughout the week can do a lot to refresh your energy. Whether it is taking a yoga class, reading your bible or reading a book, having some time all to yourself may just be what you need to make it happily through the day or week.
What is your mom-cation style?
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, creating a home in the Home Blog, caring for little ones in the Baby Blog and now relationships in the Marriage Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here or subscribe to the blog using the subscription box on the right.
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