Interested in challenging yourself to go without spending anything for an entire month? Accomplishing such a goal can be something to brag about. If you want to try a no-spend month, you might want to do just a little research and preparation. This way, you’ll be more likely to be successful.
Here are my tips for having your own no-spend month.
Visit the Library
Head over to your local library and take out a bunch of cookbooks. Skip the ones that use a lot of complicated ingredients as well as the ones that you a lot of processed food. Why? During a no-spend month, you’ll have to make all of your meals from scratch (unless you get free meals from friends), and you’ll have to cook from your pantry.
Having new and interesting meals to try will help. You can also look up recipes online, of course.
Another reason for visiting the library? You can pick up new books and movies, so you won’t feel deprived even if you aren’t spending.
Learn to Barter
There are some things that you may find that you absolutely want or need during the month. Figure out how to get them by bartering. For example, if you have a neighbor who has chickens, offer some babysitting or fresh bread from you (or whatever you are good at doing) in exchange for the eggs.
Add to Your Income
During a no spend month, any additional income you make is fair game for spending on items that you need. You can do anything from selling items on consignment or at a yard sale, recycle cans, mow lawns, etc. You are still technically having a no spend month, since you are not spending any of your normal income.
Another great idea? Hunt up all of those gift cards that you forgot about!
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