Just because you may be short of cash doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy yourself! If you are tired of sitting at home wishing you could spend some money and enjoy yourself, then you will want to read this blog post. There is a wealth of fun things to do just waiting for you. And the best part is that none of them cost anything at all!
Go camping
Having a camp out can be a lot of fun, and if you do it in your own backyard then you won’t even spend any money on camping fees. Pitch a tent (borrow one if you don’t have one of your own) and settle in. Do you live in an urban area? See if you have a friend who will lend you her backyard for a night.
Learn something new
Thanks to YouTube, the rest of the Internet and the library, you don’t need to pay for lessons in practically anything any more. learn how to sew, to cook, to knit, to build a shed, to build up your computer skills or to garden. You can also look to a friend who knows how to do something well and ask her to teach you!
There is one other source for free instruction. Many retail stores offer free clinics. At Home Depot, you can learn how to tile a floor or hang crown molding. At Michael’s you can learns a number of crafts. Lowe’s also offers clinics for kids. They can build everything from a wooden pirate boat to a birdhouse.
Play free games
There are plenty of gaming sites out there that will let you play online games for free. My favorite are the casual games because you can start an stop them without much commitment. One of my favorite game sites is arcadetown.com. There is also addictinggames.com and several others. If you are on Facebook, try Bejeweled Blitz. It is very fun, and you can compete against your friends. If you have a computer or game system, you can often check out new game titles from the library.
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, creating a home in the Home Blog, caring for little ones in the Baby Blog and now relationships in the Marriage Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here or subscribe to the blog using the subscription box on the right.
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