When your coupons are organized, you’ll naturally save more. There is no more buying something and then finding the coupon later, forgetting you even had a coupon or missing out on getting items for free because you didn’t have a coupon to do a store match up. Here is how to keep your coupons organized.
There are several methods for keeping coupons organized and readily available.
Filing Whole Inserts
Filing away whole inserts is probably the easiest way to organize coupons. You keep the Sunday inserts in tact and then file them by date. There are several websites out there that will do coupon match ups to sales for your favorite stores, and others with coupon databases so you can look up particular coupons. For example, if you want a coupon for skippy peanut butter, you can look it up, find out which insert it is in, go to that insert and clip the coupon.
This method requires the least amount of work, but the most amount of storage space. You’ll also have to have a separate file for printable coupons if you want to print them ahead of time. Don’t forget to toss old insert when the bulk of the coupons expire.
Using a Coupon Binder
A coupon binder can be convenient because you can bring it to the store with you and take advantage of unexpected deals or specials with your coupons. You clip out all of the coupons you need and place them into plastic sleeves that are organized by type of food or by aisle. Then, when you need a coupon, you flip through the pages to find your coupon.
This requires you to go through each insert every week, and if you typically get several inserts, the clipping can take a lot of time to do. You’ll also need to periodically go through the clipped coupons and eliminate expired ones.
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