If you work from home, it is very important that you keep up to date on knowledge about your profession, no matter what that profession is. It can be easy to let keeping abreast of current professional knowledge slide to the bottom of the to-do list where it sits for weeks or even months among other tasks that have slid to the bottom of the list and never quite get done. Even if you devote a small amount of time to professional development on a regular basis, you will find that you are able to stay well informed. Staying informed goes a long way towards feeling confident in your work, and it certainly gives you an advantage over others who do not make it a priority.
For some professionals, keeping professional knowledge current is not only a good thing to do, it is an absolute necessity. I fit into this category because as an attorney, I must complete a certain amount of continuing legal education within each two-year licensing period. Continuing legal education is the method by which the licensing authority, the bar, ensures that attorneys keep their professional knowledge up to date. Attorneys that fail to complete the required amount of continuing legal education may have their licenses suspended or revoked. It may sound harsh, but it really is fair if you think about it. Would you want to hire a lawyer who was not up to date on the current rules of their supposed area of expertise?
Depending upon your profession, you may choose to keep your knowledge up to date in a number of different ways. One very easy option is to set aside a certain amount of time each week to read industry publications, trade magazines, or newsletters that are related to your work. Some of these publications so not cost much, and others, especially online newsletters or other internet resources, may even be available at no cost. Videos and podcasts are another way to access information about many different professions on line.
Workshops, seminars, trade shows, and other professional gatherings are a great way to combine gathering new knowledge with networking. You may even be able to travel to interesting places to attend these knowledge-gathering events if your budget allows for it. I definitely drool over some of the advertisements that I receive in the mail for continuing legal education events that are held at resorts in tropical locations. Perhaps some day I will be able to attend one of them, but for right now, I am grateful that there are many great, low cost options that I can use to meet my requirements.
How do you maintain your professional knowledge?