I know I’ve mentioned this numerous times, but I like to do lists and for Moms, to do lists are a must. But there is a way to make a to do list that is both practical and efficient. For new moms, this can be pretty hard and for moms with new babies, this can be even harder. So here’s a few tips on how to make a to do list that works for you and your family.
Obligations versus Optional
When you get sick or exhausted, you can actually look at your to do list with a more discerning eye. You have the ability to identify the items on it that you are not really obliged to take care of, but that you do anyway. For example, making sure all of your spouse’s items get dropped off or picked up at the dry cleaners.
Yes, it’s great to do this for your spouse, but it’s optional because your spouse is just as capable to take it in and drop it off or picking it up or both. Need a couple of items from the grocery store, that doesn’t mean you need to pack the baby up to head out for a shopping trip. If the items are not vitally necessary for survival or for the baby right in the moment, chances are you don’t need to drop everything to rush to the store.
Learn to Whittle Down Your List
You need mom time and you need the time to enjoy being a mom, so learn to whittle away your to do list. This can mean turning down lunch invitations, grocery store trips or other errands that can be put off until another day. When my daughter was very young, I tried to keep a lot of my running around errands for days when my spouse was home to look after the little one or when he could do it.
When your baby is young, it can be easier on everyone to not have to carry them from store to store. Not only will you be able to accomplish errands like this in a more timely fashion, but also you are not exposing them to every virus running rampant out there. It’s also good to have some time to yourself and good for your spouse to have time with your little one.
Sometimes, you just need to let your needs trump your optional obligations and yes, it takes practice, but start today – it will make your life a lot easier and more pleasant and once you get the hang of it – it gets a lot easier all the way around.
How do you whittle down your to do list?
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