Let me start by saying that this is not a project you want to undertake with a 3-year-old (or any child under the age of 6). Trust me; I know from experience. Last year my crafty friend hosted a party for our playgroup (made up of children 3 and under) so the kids could make homemade Halloween decorations and this one was way too advance despite the end product looking so basic.
If you have older children, who are adept at working with acrylic paint, have the dexterial skills to use scissors, pinch and gather paper, and perhaps most importantly, have the patience to work through a number of steps (including waiting for paint to dry), then the following project for cute coffee filter bats really would be fun.
Once the bats are complete attach them to curtains and plants, or you could tie a piece of fishing line to the clothespin and suspend the bats from the ceiling with a thumbtack.
1 basket type coffee filter
Purple and black watercolor paints (you could use red and black or other unique combos too)
1 miniature wooden clothespin
Black or purple acrylic paint (you could use red and black or other unique combos too)
2 small wiggle eyes
White scrap of paper
White craft glue
Paint the clothespin either black or purple acrylic paint and set aside to dry.
Cut coffee filter in half.
Paint one half of the filter with black watercolor paint and the other half with purple watercolor paint. Let dry.
When filters are dry, place the purple half on top of the black half so that they line up. Pinch the filter with your fingers, gathering the paper in the center of the straight edge.
Open the clothespin and clamp the gathered end of the filter inside the clothespin. Add a dab of white glue in the clamp.
Use scissors to cut half circles from the rounded wings to resemble a bat’s wings. Use the color differentiation between the black and purple sides of the coffee filter as a guide.
Cut jagged edges along the circular side of the half circle to further define the shape of the bat wings.
Glue two wiggle eyes to the front of the clothespin.
Cut two small triangular fangs from white paper and glue to the clothespin.
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