Yes, you can make vanilla extract at home. The process is simple and will produce vanilla extra with much more flavor and nuance than the stuff you can buy in the store, so you’ll want to especially use it in dishes and deserts that have a strong vanilla component. Homemade vanilla extract is, of course, wonderful to use in any recipe that calls for vanilla extract. Your version will be smooth and taste pure.
Before you get started, you will need a glass vessel of some kind that contains a strong seal. You can choose a fancy container bought for the purpose, or simply recycle an old glass jar. This will depend on whether or not you want to display your vanilla extract as it is being made.
The other ingredients that you will need for homemade vanilla extract include a vanilla bean and a small amount of vodka. The alcohol in the vodka will extra all of the flavor from the vanilla bean.
Pour about a half a cup of vodka into your glass container.
First, take your bean and carefully split it lengthwise. A sharp paring knife works well for this purpose. Next, you’ll want to loosen the seeds by gently scraping the inside of the bean with the tip of your knife.
Place both the vanilla pod and the vanilla beans into the vodka, making sure that both are submerged.
Seal the jar and leave it to soak at room temperature, giving it time for the flavor to absorb. Generally, this will take about one or two months. When the extract is ready, you can discard the beans (it is okay to leave the pod in, if you like) and store the extract in the refrigerator.
Your homemade extract will generally be good for up to a year.