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How to Manage Your Man

‘Of course all women know how to manage men without you knowing we’re doing it,’ a woman said. recently in a discussion about the relationship between men and women. Would you agree?

She certainly wasn’t talking about using nagging, sarcasm, threats or anger to get the men in our lives to do what we want. It was more about using charm. Attributes like sincere flattery, kindness, appreciation and feminine wiles to achieve our aims.

Remember the saying about you can catch more flies with honey then with vinegar? I believe it to be true.

On our fridge we have a magnet which came in the mail. It has suggestions of ways to praise a child. ‘Some of these include:

‘You are so clever.’

‘I knew you could do it.’

‘You’re a legend.’

‘I love you so much.’

‘You are an absolute gem.’

But women, there’s no reason why any of these won’t apply equally as well to the men in our lives. Here are some other suggestions to praise your husband and make him feel special

‘I’m so glad I’m married to you.’

‘You are so thoughtful.’

‘Thank you for the hard work you do in the garden (or whatever other jobs he does).’

‘I love the way you can talk easily to anyone.’

I’m sure you can think of plenty of others if you put your mind to it.

Yesterday I told you how Mick ordered a book of poetry and had it shipped for me. You can be sure I have told him since what a joy it has been and how much I love it and him for taking note of what I said and what I like, for going to the trouble and for organizing it. Little words but they can make a world of difference. The result is they make him feel good about what he has done and therefore more inclined to do something similar in future.

And guys, a little secret here, praise works equally as well on women.
We love beng told we are pretty, clever, thoughtful, or interesting or complimented on something we have done.

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