Have you ever considered writing your own ebook? Have you ever thought it would be fun or a great way to earn some money but had no idea where to begin? I know I have. I have had “write an ebook” on my to-do list for a few years. Each time I get close I feel as if I have no direction and I know I would not know how to market it anyway. It has been a backburner idea for a long time but one constantly on a low simmer and begging for attention. Suddenly that low simmer is turning into a rapid boil after I read How to Market and Sell Your eBook: Everything You Need to Know to Make Money ePublishing by Sarah Mae.
Who is Sarah Mae?
If you are not already familiar with Sarah Mae prepare to be delighted. Sarah Mae is the lovely author of a blog called Like a Warm Cup of Coffee. She is honest, transparent, and inspiring. If you do not recognize her from her blog you may recognize her from her very successful ebook: 31 Days to Clean: Having a Martha House the Mary Way. Ah yes, THAT’s Sarah Mae! If anyone knows how to market an eBook and is willing to steer aspiring ebook authors in the right direction it is Sarah Mae. Normally I would not give an ebook about writing an ebook a second glance. I am a cynic and would assume it was a cheap way to make a buck for the author and not for the reader. While, I have no personal relationship with Sarah Mae, knowing the credibility of the author caused me to take not only a second look but third look and fourth until I finally reached the end.
About the eBook
The ebook is truly inspiring and does shed light on ePublishing. The ebook takes you step by step through the entire process of branding your book to marketing your book. She leaves no stone unturned. Reading this was like attending a seminar and coming out with the confidence to achieve. The best part is you can revisit this seminar any time and you didn’t even have to take notes.
I know, I know, I am jumping up and down about this ebook. The reason is simple. The ebook is honest, inspiring and now I feel as if “write an ebook” will finally come off my “to do” list and make it to my “done” list. Don’t be surprised if you see my name on the cover of an ebook soon! I know I cannot wait to see your name on an ebook. You can do it!