Many people, especially individuals who are recently out of school, have a difficult cramming all of their belongings into a small space. Especially if you live in a city, apartments can be small and yet very expensive. Great organization and self-discipline is essential to maintaining and healthy living environment – and not becoming stressed over the lack of suitable space.
First, before even thinking about organizing your space, evaluate what is truly necessary for your living and what in your space is optional. Many people keep clutter in their space not because they like it, but because there are items that they think they cannot live without. Doing away with these items might means assessing your own personal attachment to materials.
Often times, when people do a deep cleaning and consider the items that they have laying around in their homes, they realize that they keep many things that they, at one time, thought were fun or important. With age, however, they realize that so much of what they own is simple clutter and can be eliminated without much of a thought. Of course, this elimination of clutter is more difficult if items are sentimental.
Next, once every last piece of unnecessary clutter has been eliminated, invest in some very good and pragmatic storage units. This involves making sure that your closet has the best storage possible. Your closet should not only have a bar for hanging your clothes, it should also have shelves, shoe racks, belt racks and hidden drawers (if there is space). Closets are great for storage because you simply close the door and everything in them disappears into a tidy, hidden space.
Next, purchase small bins that can fit neatly under your bed. These bins are great places to keep things like sweaters, shoes, suitcases and other bags. You simply pull them out and have access to anything you need.
Your dresser and bureau also can be arranged to catalyst good storage. Make sure that you fold or roll your clothes so that they are organized. When you properly organize your clothes, you will find that you have more space and room to place other items.
For storage with a nice design, invest in hat boxes. Hat boxes are decorative and can be left anywhere in the home. They look dressy and can be easily closed to conceal whatever mess you have inside. Hat boxes also are small enough to fit on the top of any dresser, shelf or under and bed, if they are not the centerpiece of your room.
If you have an extra closet or another room in your home that you can use for storage, purchase some shelves and air-tight boxes. Place any items that you do not use daily into tehse boxes. Places the boxes on your shelves for esy access when you need it.
Do not forget that hooks also make great storage companions. Hooks can hang coats, pots and pans, pictures and just about anything else you could dream of. Spend some time at your local home improvement store to investigate the hooks that are right for your space. There are thousands of hook types available, ifyou take the time to do the research.