For many people, organizing the basement is a very daunting and time consuming task. It involved moving boxes, storage unites, shelves and bins around so that you can find the items you are looking for. Ultimately, most people end of becoming too frustrated to deal with the task of organizing, so they give up and give into the clutter.
The basement does not, however, need to be a scary or frustrating task. Most people hold tremendous living potential within the walls of their basement, yet they do not take the time to do the research or engage in the process of designing a viable living space. Here are some tips to help you maximize and organize your basement.
First and foremost, your basement is the most accessible storage unit in your house. Unlike a garage or an attic, the basement sits under your home, receiving the benefit of being heated and is generally easier to access than other storage units. Therefore, most people find that they quickly throw things in the basement thinking that they will either return later to clean them or that the basement does not need to be organized.
It is only when you desperately need one of those items in a last minutes rush that you remember how nice it would be if your basement was organized and usable. Organization saves you time and opens up the possibilities that your home can have extra space that is actually usable.
First, before going any further with the organization process, you need to actually clean out old junk that you will never ever use again. This junk can be old furniture, lights, clothes, carpets, paint cans, etc. Once this stuff is cleaned out, you will be amazed by how much more space you have to work with in your home! It will also be nice to have some walking room when you clean.
Next, develop a shelving system. Many people who choose to use their basements primarily for storage put shelves along each of these walls. You can purchase tall shelves for very little money at any home improvement store. Onto these shelves, you can place any items that you once stored on the floor or in other parts of your home.
To help you store items better in your shelving system, it is advised that you purchase plastic air-proof bins and baskets. These storage units will help you to organize items that should be stored together and will help you reach those items better. Clear bins are even more helpful than colorful bins because you will be able to easily see inside of them when you are search for something.
Many people who have access clothing purchasing closet organizers for the basement as well. You can install these organizers right on the wall. If you choose to hang clothes in the basement without using an airtight storage system, you must keep your basement dry and keep the air free from mildew and other harmful agents.
Once you have your basic storage unit in place, you will find that keeping your system organized is easy. Make sure that you stay dedicated to the task and do not give up – even if you are in a rush!