If a typical television evening in your home is three different televisions showing three different shows at the same time then it may be time to introduce a fun family movie night. This event is a great way of bringing your family together. Here are some ideas about how to plan a family movie night.
Pick a day and time
This is the first step in planning a family movie night. You can choose to make it a one-time thing or have it as a regular family event. Friday nights are usually a great time to plan a family movie night, because it gives everyone a chance to de-stress from the week.
Choose a time that is neither too early nor too late. 7 or 7:30 p.m. might work well, depending on your normal dinner time. Make the start time non-negotiable, so you don’t push the time later and later for stragglers and at the same time show how important this event is.
Make it fun
Plan some fun around family movie night to make it even more enjoyable. Have the kids make tickets and seat family members as they enter the family room, media room, living room, or wherever you will be having your movie night. Include concessions, from home made pop corn to oversized movie snacks (you can buy these at Target, Walmart or your local grocery store).
Before the Event
You won’t enjoy the event if you are worried about everything else. So, make sure to turn off the ringer on the telephone and cell phones (ringing phones would be rude in a theater) and make sure the house it picked up, especially the room where you will be holding your movie night. Have an easy dinner, such as pasta or pizza, and have the family pitch in to get the dishes done, so you won’t miss show time.
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, creating a home in the Home Blog, caring for little ones in the Baby Blog and now relationships in the Marriage Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here or subscribe to the blog using the subscription box on the right.
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