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How to Prepare Your Child for Surgery

Children can need surgery for a variety of reasons. Whether routine or life saving, surgery is a scary topic for even the bravest of adults, never mind a small child. If your child will be having surgery in the near future, or faces a multitude of surgeries, here are some ideas on getting them prepared.

1 First of all, prepare yourself. Ask questions and understand why surgery is the best or only option for your child. Make sure you are calm and comfortable with the decision to have surgery before attempting to ease your child’s fears. If you are telling your child that it will be okay but you are crying or acting scared, this will cause more fear for your child.

2 Explain what is wrong to your child and why the doctor will need to fix the problem. Don’t use scary words such as cut, knife, go to sleep, or won’t wakeup. Do explain that your child will be given medicine before the surgery so that she won’t feel anything and that after the surgery she will feel confused and sore but will be back to herself soon.

3 Find children’s books at your local library or bookstore that talk about surgery and hospitals and read them to your child in the days leading up to the surgery. Examples include Henry Goes for Surgery by Renita De Chellis and Brave Little Megan by Alison Brock.

4 Let your child tour the hospital and meet the doctors and nurses that will be helping her during her surgery and hospital stay. This will help her feel more comfortable and trusting when surgery day arrives.

5 Allow your child help pack for her hospital stay and be sure to bring along any favorite toys, stuffed animals or books that will help her to relax. Familiar and cherished items from home will make her feel safe.

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About Nancy

I am a freelance writer focused on parenting children with special needs. My articles have been featured in numerous parenting publications and on www.parentingspecialneeds.org. I am the former editor and publisher of Vermont HomeStyle Magazine. I am a wife and mom to a two daughters, one with cystic fibrosis and one who is a carrier for cystic fibrosis.