Putting scrapbooking supplies in a garage sale can be risky business. You will never get your investment back. However, upon careful research of Ebay and other online auction sites, I have also come to the realization that you won’t get it back at some of those places either.
Now, do not get me wrong, if you have the time to sell on Ebay sometimes you will get lucky and sell something for more than you originally thought. But most of the time the cost of listing, their percentage at the end and the shipping charges far outweigh the amount you could have put it at in your garage sale and actually had something to be proud of.
I have placed scrapbooking items in almost every garage sale I’ve had for the past several years, and I’ve never walked away with less than $50.00 in sales from that stuff alone.
So, how do you price scrapbooking items for a garage sale? Simple. It is almost the same as pricing anything else for a garage sale. For items in perfect condition or like new condition you are going to ask about twenty five percent of it’s original cost. This especially applies to things like punches, tools and scissors. Individual items should be marked at the lowest price you can handle. Large ticket items or expensive supplies should probably not be sold at garage sales. You will not make anything on them, and more than likely you will lose money.
Regardless of the twenty five percent rule, you might also keep in mind how much you would be willing to pay for that item if you saw it at a garage sale. For instance, several of my punches retailed for about $9.00. And although $2.00 would be great to get back, I knew that really isn’t a garage sale price. So I lowered it to a dollar and sold almost all of them.
More of this article coming tomorrow.
Nicole Humphrey writes articles for the Scrapbooking Blog and for the Frugal Blog. She also guest blogs on a variety of topics. You can read more of her articles by clicking here.
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