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How To: Protect Your Child’s Vision

Protecting your child’s precious eyesight is an important task for parents. But do you know what steps you should take to protect your child’s eyes? How about common vision myths? The current issue of Parenting offers an eye-safety checklist, along with information on pinkeye, emergency care and vision myths and truths.

First a test. True or false? Sitting too close to the TV will damage your child’s eyes? This is actually false. I tell Tyler all the time not to sit too close and my mother told me the same thing but there is actually no evidence that sitting too close damages eyesight.

How about this one, reading in dim light will weaken your child’s eyesight? Nope, another myth. If your child reads in dim light they might strain their eyes but it won’t cause any permanent damage. A child’s eyes adjusts to low light better than an adults.

What’s the leading cause of eye injuries to a school-age child? Sports, so make sure your child wears protective gear when playing all sports.

What steps should a parent take to safeguard their child’s eyes? Here are some suggestions:

1. If you have toddlers at home, pad or cushion sharp corners and edges of furniture.

2. Remove all toys off the floor and stairs to avoid falls that could damage your child’s eyes.

3. Keep chemical products, including nail polish remover, and pesticides locked up and out of reach of your kids.

4. Avoid any toy that shoots or has sharp points.

5. Small kids should not play with toys that are meant for older kids.

6. When you are working in the yard, mowing the lawn, trimming bushes, etc., keep your kids out of the yard.

7. No fireworks or sparkles of any kind should be used by young kids.

8. Children should never be allowed to lean out the window of a car while it’s in motion because dirt and debris can easily blow into their eyes.

See also:

Ten Ways To Childproof Your House

Useful Website- Child Safety

Parents Beware The Hidden Danger In Some Kids Toys