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How To Recession Proof Yourself At Your Job

Earlier, we took a look at a few careers that might well become a safe haven during a recession. However, as I pointed out, no job is 100% recession proof and most financial experts are saying that the best course of action is to make yourself recession proof. But how exactly do you go about doing that? You take the time to prove yourself an invaluable employee. You really want your employers to see you as versatile and indispensable. Should a lay off in your job be necessary, you want your employers to think that it would cost them more to let you go than to keep you.

Take the Initiative to Evaluate Yourself

Employers like to see employees that recognize a need for improvement in some areas and are committed to moving towards improvement. Likewise, there’s nothing wrong with taking the time to point out the good you’ve done for the company. An annual evaluation is an excellent time to do this. However, you want to do it before a recession hits and be proactive, rather than waiting until a recession hits and being desperate.

Become a Jack of All Trades

Well, not exactly a jack of all trades, but employers are less likely to let someone go if they see that person as very versatile to the company. Versatility is incredibly valuable in a recession. If you need to brush up on your skills or learn some new things, now is the time to do it. Again, taking initiative before the recession hits shows someone who is a self starter. Taking initiative after the recession hits and jobs are being lost, shows someone who is desperately trying to save their own skin.

What Would It Cost If You Were Let Go

If the company were to let you go, what would it cost them? Are you replaceable? The trick to surviving recession lay offs is to make yourself irreplaceable. Carve a niche for yourself such that your employers really don’t know what they’d do without you.