The cost of air conditioning can take lots of money out of your account. Each time you turn it on, you are draining money from your household. While few people can live without air conditioning these days, there are plenty of practical ways to reduce the cost of having air conditioning without suffering in the heat.
If you have a central air system, consider shutting off vents for rooms that you don’t frequent often or can live without cool air. The basement might be a good example or perhaps bathrooms. Maybe you can close the vents in bedrooms during the day. With less cool air needed in certain rooms, your system will not have to work as hard, reducing the cost of it to run. Just make sure that you have at least one functioning cold air return still open in your home.
Take advantage of nature to reduce your air conditioning. In many climates, the morning and evening may see cooler temperatures. I open our downstairs windows when I get up in the morning. It reduces the temperature of our home by at least three degrees. Then when the outside air begins to warm, I close the windows back up to keep the humidity out. This has greatly reduced our need for air conditioning, especially in the spring and early summer months.
If you have window air conditioning, then try this trick. Keep the air conditioners to your bedroom off until right before bed. Turn them on for about 30 minutes while keeping the bedroom door closed. This should be long enough to cool down the room and get rid of any humidity. Shut the air conditioner off, and go to sleep. If you keep the door closed, the room should stay comfortable enough for sleeping, since your body temperature naturally lowers at night.
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