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How to Relate to Your Child about School Issues

I have seen many parents frustrated about their child’s performance and attitude toward school. Many parents come to teachers, principals, and counselors and questions how to encourage or relate to their child about school issues.

School is being soon and there is no doubt that many more parents will be facing this dilemma of how to get him or her to do well in school, enjoy school, or do homework. One of the best ways to parents to relate to their children about school issues is for parents to understand what their child is going through. While most children do not believe that their parents could ever possibly understand, all parents can. After all parents were once students, right?

When you are stressed and trying get a better understanding of why your child is acting a certain way, try to think about what your child is going through. Sit down and try to remember how you felt in some of the following situations. You may better understand your child.

Did you truly enjoy school or do you simply tolerate it to get through?
What procedure did you follow for completing homework? Did you do it as soon as possible? Did you put it off until the last minute?

What was it that you enjoyed the most about going to school? What did you dislike the most about going to school?

Did you ever cheat or lie about your school work? Why did you or why did you not?

Did you have friends in school? Did you ever have friend troubles in school?

What did the other children like and dislike about you? What did you like and dislike about them?

How did your parents respond to reports cards and grades? How did that make you feel?

Parental Involvement in Education

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