Even small changes can add up when you want to save money. Saving money on coffee is easy, and it can save you hundreds of dollars each year (thousands if you currently drink premium coffee).
Coffee Coupons
While coffee coupons aren’t always the easiest coupons to find, they do exist. You can look for them in the mail, in the Sunday newspaper and online. Visit coffee brand websites and printable coupon databases to find your fill of coffee coupons.
Some resource for coffee coupons include coupons.com, freecoupons.com, Redplum.com and Smartsource.com.
You can also buy coffee at Bed, Bath, & Beyond and use their 20 percent off coupons.
Free Coffee Samples
Nescafe, Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts and other coffee brands often will send you free coffee samples and free coffee coupons. You’ll either need to find a current promotion, like the companies on their Facebook pages or send them an email.
I’m always on the alert for coffee samples (coffee helps me get through my busy day), and I find most of them just by conducting a search using a search engine, such as Google.
Brewing Coffee at Home
Probably the number one way to save money on coffee is to brew your own coffee at home. Not only is it cheaper than buying coffee out, but it is more convenient, especially if you choose one of those instant machines that use coffee discs or pods. While these pods tend to be little more expensive than grinding beans yourself, you can save money on them when you buy them in bulk or with coupons (see above).
Starbucks Versus Dunkin Donuts
Did you know that Starbucks often ranks last in taste tests and Dunkin Donuts ranks first with food critics, among the regular easily-accessible store brands? It is true. Dunkin Donuts is a lot cheaper, too. So, go ahead and conduct your own taste tests with different brands of coffee. You may be surprised when the less expensive coffee comes out ahead, both for your taste buds and your wallet.