I like to examine different items on our grocery list to see if there are ways that we can reduce the cost of them. With enough things on the list costing less, the overall bill can really go down.
One of the things that we seem to go through a lot of is soap. That makes sense. With three children who get into everything, cooking from scratch at home, and trying to keep the illness away during winter, it isn’t surprising that we use a lot of soap. So, with a little thinking, I’ve come up with some ways that we could use to save on soap. You might want to try one or all of these ideas to se what works for you.
Stock up on samples. While this may only make a dent in the bucket, a dent is a dent. There are lots of free samples out there for all sorts of products. The blog at freecoupons.com often has links to free sample offers. If you are traveling and use some soap, bring the unused portion home with you. It will only get tossed out anyway.
Skip the antibacterial soap. Studies show that if you wash your hands properly, getting under the nails and washing for at least a minute, regular soap cleans just as well and gets rid of the germs. Antibacterial soap is more expensive.
To keep your family from wasting pump soap, place a rubber band on the stem between the bottle and the pump handle. This will reduce how far the pump goes down. Most of the time, people use a full pump when they don’t need it.
Consider using bar soap over body wash or pump soap. The bars tend to last longer, and they cost much less.
Buy your soap in bulk. Soap is one of the things that I have found is cost effective at the warehouse stores. You can also seek out a cleaning supply or hotel supply company for the best bulk deals.
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, creating a home in the Home Blog, caring for little ones in the Baby Blog and now relationships in the Marriage Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here or subscribe to the blog using the subscription box on the right.
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