Craigslist is a wonderful way to sell items online for free. There is no fee to place an ad, so whatever you make on the deal is pure profit.
Still, there are many, many ads on Craigslist, so making your Craigslist post stand out is important if you want to be able to get your items sold quickly. One of the ways that you can do this is through the use of good pictures to accompany your Craigslist ad. In fact, many shoppers won’t even look at your post unless it has that word “pic” next to your title, indicating that there is at least one photo to go with your ad.
Some ads on Craigslist mention that they will email interested people with their photos. Sometimes this is just because they want to get the ad up and running, while other times it is because they want to make sure that the buyer is serious. Unless the item you are selling is rare and in high demand, this strategy can backfire, leaving you with no interested parties.
You are allowed up to four different images for each post. Take advantage of this. While you don’t have to use all four spots for pictures, upload at least two or three that show your item at different angles. The more photos you have, the more confident the buyer will become.
Some items tend to need photos more than other items in order to sell. Furniture and clothing are good examples. But even items such as books, video games or other entertainment can benefit from good photos.
Make sure that your photos are clear and sharp and show the detail of your items. If there is a unique feature, make sure to highlight that in your photos as well. Photos can also help you be honest about the condition of your stuff. If there is any damage, show it. Most people won’t care if the price is right, and you avoid wasting time or having drama later.
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