When’s the last time you wrote your loved one a love note? If it’s been a while, you might want to consider taking some time today to do it. It’s Love Note Day after all!
“Sounds nice, but I don’t know how to write a love note.”
Of course you do! It’s as simple as finding a piece of paper, a pen, and simply scrawling “I love you” across it and giving it to your spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, or significant other.
“That’s it?”
Hey, you want simple, I’ll give you simple. But if you want to dress it up a bit, read on.
Tips for Creating a Love Note
• Keep it short, but sweet: As the name implies, you’re writing a note. Not a letter. Not a novel. A note is, by nature, short. Just a sentence or two expressing some sentiment, such as “I love you,” will suffice.
• Make it personal: “I love you” is sweet, but also kind of generic. You can easily dress it up, though, simply by adding a “to” and “from” before and after it. Use nicknames or terms of endearment that are meaningful to you. Reference an inside joke. As long as it’s specific to you and your relationship it’ll let your loved one know they’re in your thoughts. And that creates a mighty fine feeling indeed!
• Presentation says as much as the words: What you write your note on can enhance the meaning greatly. Get creative. Use colorful pens and paper. If you don’t have fancy supplies lying about, no worries. What do you have? Even something as mundane as newspaper can work. Maybe there’s an article that made you think of your wife. Or a cartoon you know your husband would appreciate. Write something to that effect on it, cut it out, and give it to him or her. Maybe, like Wayne and myself and many military couples, distance separates you today. An email, text message, or even an e-card expressing your devotion lets your love know you’re thinking about them. Ladies, consider using your lipstick. A nice kiss planted in the middle of a piece of paper with something like, “9:30!” written beneath it can send a man’s heart racing. (Unless, of course, you don’t want him to interpret the exclamation point as an invitation to rendezvous in the bedroom. Then you better include whatever you have in mind. In my case it’d probably be going out for dessert!)
• It’s all in the delivery: What’s better than getting a love note? Finding one unexpectedly. Tape it to his steering wheel. Tuck it in her purse. Prop it against something yummy you concocted in the fridge. (Okay, the concocting something yummy requires more time and effort than a simple note, but I think you get my gist.)
To demonstrate all four of the above tips, here’s my love note to my husband:
Dear Willie,
Just wanted to let you know you’re on my mind today and I love you with my heart and soul. Looking forward to seeing you tonight.
Love, Ernie
“Who’s Willie? Who’s Ernie?” you may be wondering. Those are our nicknames for each other.
As for presentation, well…this blog is it. And I’ll be delivering it to him by sending him an email with a link to let him know where his love note exists.
See? That’s not so hard, is it?
You don’t have to limit love notes to intimate loves. Anyone you love –be they parent, sibling, or child– qualifies as a love note recipient.
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