We all have individual likes and dislikes. Sometimes they are the things that make us the person we are. Try this fun quiz to see how much you really know about your spouse. Then get your spouse to answer the same questions about themselves?
Swap over and see how much they know about you. Compare your answers. You might just find a few areas where you don’t know as much about your spouse as you thought. Also it might speak off a really interesting conversation.
1. What is your spouse’s favorite color?
2. What do they most enjoy doing?
3. What is their favorite show?
4. What is the favorite movie?
5. Who is their favorite movie star?
6. Who would they never go and see in a film?
7. Who is their favorite recording artist?
8. What would they never listen to?
9. What thing or things does your spouse hate?
10. What is your spouse afraid of?
11. What is their favorite perfume or cologne?
12. Do they have a nickname? How did they get it?
13. What one thing do they regret in life?
14. What is one thing they would never do?
15. What would they prefer as a gift – a tool, appliance, something practical or something personal or frivolous that they wouldn’t buy for themselves?
16. Who is their favorite author?
17. What is their favorite book?
18. What is their favorite meal?
19. Do they have a favorite song? What is it? Why is it special to them?
20. What is their favorite thing in the garden?
21. What would be the first thing they’d save in a fire?
22. What is their favorite way of spending time?
23. Do they prefer hard centered chocolates or soft centers?
24. What is their favorite drink?
25. What is their most treasured possession?
26. What do they consider is their biggest accomplishment?
27. What would they love to do if they had the chance?
28. What is stopping them doing it?
29. What are their strengths?
30. What are their weaknesses?
You might even find that the strengths and weaknesses are part of the same characteristic, e.g. stubbornness also has a positive side which is known as determination.
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