Opportunistic Prostitution is the exchange of a required good, instead of money, for sexual favors. In its simplest form, in consensual situations, it’s where one party has sex with another because the other paid for dinner, bought an expensive gift, or said nice things. Ummm…sounds like some marriages I know of. A strange view of consensual sex, opportunistic prostitution is not uncommon amongst our young people.
Much blame is placed upon young street kids for being promiscuous. Often what the kids are doing is just surviving. Entering into opportunistic prostitution keeps them alive and safe. They exchange sex with someone they hardly know or are not in a relationship with, for a roof over their head, a bed to sleep in or a hot meal in their tummy. Rather than admitting the sexual favors are a revenue neutral type of prostitution, the young people will frequently imagine they are in love with the very exploiter of the young person’s vulnerable position. They pay though, dearly. They pay with the hairy chequebook. This imagined state of revenue neutral love is far more palatable to the young person than having to look at the bleak reality of their situation.
Most of us will be guilty of judging and blaming these young people. Instead of reaching out and helping them with free goods or life skills, we instead moralize, preach and condemn. STOP. This often forces opportunistic prostitutes further into their fantasy world of love. With no-where to turn and no-one to assist them, our young street kids seek solace in drugs to numb their pain, give them euphoria and provide a reason for getting up in the morning (to get more drugs or sex).
Everyone can make a difference in the life of these young people. Yes, even you. We can hold our tongues; provide food, clothing, bedding, hygiene products, books or light items that can be easily carted around in their transient lifestyles. WE can smile too. We can recognize the worth and value of our young street kids simply by meeting their eyes and making the young person visible to us.
There’s two current forum discussions of enormous change strength: Donations to Food Bank and What are Your Frustrations with the Church? Both discussions speak volumes of the sensibility, humanity and social justice streaks of some members of families.com. Thank you to those posters who are willing to change life for the less fortunate and take a holistic view of the plight of others, particularly of our homeless youth.
October is Sexual Violence Awareness Month. Think of our young women on the streets today. Our daughters who are trading their womanhood to taste the things we take for granted. As you donate a good to a homeless shelter or a youth kitchen, remember how lucky your daughter was to wake up in your home this morning, and think, “There but for the grace of God go I.”
Related articles:
Mary Magdalene was Naught but a Prostitute.
Shampoo to Help Remove the Shams and Pooh of Life after an Assault.
Topical Whensday: When will YOU wear a Colored Tee to Recognize Violence Against Women and Children.