We all know reading is important, but how do you read to a young child and keep their interest. Read on for ideas about how to engage your young child in reading.
How to read to your infant or toddler?
· Read picture books with just a few words.
· Make the reading sessions short. Each child has a different attention span. Breaking up the reading sessions into three or four short sessions a day is usually easiest.
· Let your child handle and chew on the book. Young children learn by touching with their hands and mouth. Use board or cloth books so the books can handle the love.
· Discuss the pictures on the page. Point out objects that your child sees in their everyday life.
· Hold your child on your lap. Story time is a great time to cuddle.
· Turn the pages as they want, even if you haven’t finished reading the text.
· Read the same books over and over. They love repetition.
· Make the books available for them to read on their own.
· Don’t worry about how long you read for, the act is what’s important.
How to read to your preschooler?
· Set aside a certain time to read each day. Children respond to schedules.
· Read picture books with more words, and possibly short chapter books like Amelia Bedelia, Little Bear, or Franklin the Turtle.
· Vary the length and subject matter you are reading.
· Read some non-fiction books on a subject they are interested in.
· Before you begin, always say the name of the book, the author, and illustrator.
· Encourage a dialogue. Stop to look at the pictures and predict what will happen next.
· When reading a predictable book, stop at a key phrase or word and have your child provide the word.
· Use your finger to follow along with the text. This helps teach them the direction of text and that the words have meaning.
· To keep them involved in the story have your child turn the pages for you.
· Reread their favorite books, but be sure to introduce new ones as well.
· Encourage your child to ask questions about the pictures or what is happening. Always stop to answer them.
For ideas on how to choose a read-aloud book and a list of age appropriate books see my blog: Choosing a read aloud book.