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HSLDA: The Bad

Yesterday I started a discussion on the Home School Legal Defense Association. I mentioned that the HSLDA has many good aspects and services. For the cost of only $100.00 a year, it is easy to justify joining this homeschool protection organization.

However, may people still have qualms about joining the HSLDA. Here is my list of the features that many homeschoolers consider bad.

Religious Exclusivity: The HSLDA caters specifically to Christians, and often-non Christians often feel excluded based on the legislation for which they fight and lobby. One might notice that on the page that directs potential homeschoolers to support groups, non Christian Groups are non-existent. In my state, for example, one Christian group is listed. Meanwhile there are dozens of homeschooling groups, many on them inclusive or non-Christian based. In the defense of HSLDA, the following statement is on their website: “We do put on a national conference annually and invite the board members of state organizations with whom we have worked for many years. Most, if not all, of those organizations have Christian leaders, but many serve all homeschoolers regardless of religious affiliation, as we do.”

Does not support all homeschoolers: The homeschool Legal Defense Association has strict guidelines as to what type of homeschooling families they will support and what type they will not. You cannot just join the HSLDA, you must apply. Rules you must follow to maintain membership include, supervising children under 14 at all times, not be in legal trouble (with a few exceptions), you must also used a recognizable curriculum and not unschool. In addition, they will not represent a single parent in a custody battle.

Exaggerated reports of need: I am not saying that the Home School Legal Defense Association has not saved numerous homeschoolers from harrowing situations. They have. It is just that as far as I can tell, they re-report instances to make it seem like homeschoolers are harassed more often they actually happen. I like the call this “the sky is falling” tactics.

These “bad” aspects may not bother many homeschoolers. They may actually agree with many of the stances of the Home School Legal defense Association. Frankly many homeschoolers I know, including myself, are on the fence in these matters. Come back soon and to read my next installment: The Ugly.

Read: Should I join Home School Legal Defense Association by Valorie Delp