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Hurricanes: Planning for Your Family’s Safety

The first step in preparing for a hurricane is to have a plan for your family. You need to decide what you are going to do in the event of a hurricane. In some areas and instances you may decide to ride it out. In other cases you may decide that you want to evacuate. If there is a mandatory evacuation, please do so. The lives of your family members are so much more important than any possessions that you may lose as a result of a hurricane.

If you are in area where it is safe to stay during a hurricane then you will need to gather supplies for your family. One essential supply is enough water for you and your family for at least 72 hours. If possible store enough for a week. You will also want to store water for any pets that you have. The heat and humidity after a hurricane are unbearable. It is easy to become dehydrated in that situation, so make sure you have enough water.

You should also have 72-hour kits on hand to care for your family. These should be portable in case you have to transfer to a shelter after the hurricane. I would also stock about two weeks worth of food and other necessary supplies for your family. You should consider items such as diapers, toilet paper, toothpaste and other necessities. Medications are also important to have. If you know that a hurricane is coming, and you are due for a refill try to get it refilled right away. It will be a comfort to you to know that you have enough supplies to care for your family for a good amount of time.

You should decide on the safest place in your home for your family during a hurricane. If you live in area of storm surge or flooding go to the nearest shelter, and don’t stay in your home. Look at your home and decide which rooms would be the safest from the strong winds and debris flying through the air. You will want a room free from windows. Basements are usually pretty safe. My husband’s family stayed in their basement during Hurricane Hugo. They were okay even when a tree landed on their house. They were actually very fortunate that the tree did minimal damage to their house. You should also have a back up plan for flooding. If you live in a trailer home you may want to stay at a shelter or with friends because trailer homes are just not as sturdy as a house.

You should also have a battery-operated radio and flashlights on hand. The radio will help you get information that you may need about help that is coming to your area. You may also want to consider having a generator and cooking supplies on hand. After the hurricane is over the biggest trouble is cleaning everything up. It is a good idea to already own a chainsaw so that you do not need to buy one when prices are the highest. When you do begin cleaning up make sure that you stay away from downed power lines. If you are unsure whether or not an area is safe, wait until someone with the proper knowledge can inspect it. It is better to stay safe.