Well as I mentioned my exercise is limited but I wanted to say what I can do and hopefully by telling you what I am eating, cut out of eating and what I doing for exercise.
First what I am cutting out of my diet. I am not a huge fan of sodas but I do drink 1 or 2 a week. Never the diet kind (I hate the after taste) so I am going to totally eliminate my soda intake. I have already cut out all fried foods two years ago when my gallbladder was removed.
If I wrote what I actually eat now you would think I was a size 2. Now I am not going to tell you what size I am or what I weigh. When I hit my goals I will tell you then where I started and where I ended up. For now I won’t tell anyone because of the fact that I am not comfortable with it and truthfully I am embarrassed at how I am at this time. The truth is I think my metabolism has slowed down and I do not eat as frequently as I should so that I can keep by body working to burn calories. That is my goal 6 times I day I am going to eat something even if it just an apple or yogurt.
I never pictured myself growing up and weighing so much. I find it hard to admit how bad I feel about not being a good role model for my kids. If I eat healthier my kids and husband will too. I should be a better example for my kids they all know I don’t like how I feel about myself.
I find my eight years old asking me if I think she is fat. I do not want my kids to have weight, self-esteem or body issues. My middle child could use to lose some weight too and he knows it so we are having a contest. When we hit our goal weights given by our doctors we will go on this super crazy bungee swing ride. Now selfishly I am hoping in my head that we never hit the goal because I am terrified of heights. This is something he really wants to do so hopefully this will motivate him and we will be able to do this together.