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I am Not So Good at Pampering and Stroking Egos

I think a little self-awareness can be a good thing. I have definitely learned some things about myself since embarking on this home business adventure and the more I learn about myself, the more I can work out some of the kinks in my work. One thing I have learned is that I am not particularly gifted when it comes to stroking big egos or pampering and making accommodations for difficult, egotistical people…

I have written about coping with difficult people and challenging customers, but I also wanted to confess that it doesn’t always come easily for me. Like anyone else, I have my triggers and people who are quite full of themselves can be the toughest for me. As soon as someone says something like, “Don’t you know who I am?!” (And, I did have someone say this to me a week or two ago) I know that I need to watch myself and access my social skills to get through the interaction.

Some of us have trouble dealing with people who are very different from us, while others might find that those who are most like us present the biggest challenges. Whatever it is that pushes our buttons, it is extremely helpful for us to KNOW what that is. That way, we can learn coping skills and ways to deal with it. Since many of us are flying solo in our home businesses, it isn’t like we can pass off difficult people to another coworker, we have to figure out how to work with the situation or give up the client or customer.

I do not think I will ever be great at stroking egos or catering to self-absorbed people with myriad issues, but I can keep learning how diffuse the situations and not get sucked up into the drama—I’m willing to do that for the sake of my home business, and for the sake of my own mental health!

Also: Working with Challenging Customers and Clients

How’s Your Phone Personality?