“I Am the King” is the story of Little Louis, a brown bunny with a very loving mommy. One day his mommy gave him a crown, and as she put it on his head she said, “For my little king!” Well, I’m afraid he took that seemingly harmless statement of maternal affection just a wee bit too far.
With his nose stuck up in the air, Little Louis strode off to examine the state of his kingdom. To all the dragons under his bed and monsters outside the window, he proudly proclaimed, “I am the king!” To which they all bowed and scraped and said, “Yes, Your Majesty.” He liked the sound of that.
He liked his crown so much, he even wore it to bed that night. He dreamed he was leading his troops into battle to catch the wicked evildoers.
The next morning, he was feeling even more kingly. He decided to put forth a royal decree, that the king would not go to school that day. His mother took him anyway.
Then he decided that he would commandeer a bicycle from the school bully. Not such a good idea.
After that, he decided that all his friends should be pink, and he painted one hapless young bunny’s face a lovely shade of rose. He was sent to the kingly corner for that one.
Back at home, he was very put out when his mommy didn’t obey the new decree: “The king will not take a bath.”
He tried changing the dinner menu to chocolate; no dice. He didn’t get away with watching TV all night long, either.
“We don’t want a king like you!” he was told, and he went to sulk in his room.
“I won’t be a king any more,” he decided, and made a quick costume change.
“I’ll be a wolf!”
This cute picture book carries a very mild lesson that we should show respect to those around us, but it’s not overpowering. The main focus of the book is on the cute bunny and illustrations. I liked it quite a bit.
(This book was published in 1999 by Orchard Books and was illustrated by the author.)
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