Hi so you have decided to follow my weight loss journey. Well so far I have finally got the all clear from my orthopedist to start slowly walk and use the exercise bike. I even went out and bought rather expensive sneakers to start the process. I am trying to build my foot up so I can hopefully work on it and actually succeed this time. I know that if I lose weight I will reduce my risk of recurrence with breast cancer and I will help my foot. Let’s face it if I weighed less my foot may not hurt so much.
I have also decided my family was going to do this with me. My middle son is overweight, technically if you ask my pediatrician they all are but I do not agree. If my daughter weighed what they say she should she would be a stick and right now she is healthy, has strong muscles and loves to be running and jumping. My middle son yes he is overweight he always has been a bit big for his age. From what we know about his biological dad (yep they are all adopted) he was 6’ 9” and 330 so we just figured he was genetically doomed to be a big kid and he is.
I figured that my son and I will do this and it would not hurt any of us to eat healthier. We are not telling my son he needs to lose weight we just told him that he if he wants to join the basketball team like we did this weekend he needed to start getting ready. So while I am biking on the bike he is in the other room riding on his.
We have started to make better eating choices too. Last night we went to a hibachi restaurant and I actually ate all my veggies except for the broccoli. Now you may laugh and think that is not a big deal (after all I am a grown up) but I really don’t like very many veggies I do eat green beans, carrots, corn, mushrooms (I know not a veggie but good for you) and salads. Last night my son and I ate all our veggies and only about 1/3 of our dinners, the rest we took home for lunch today and I even shared my left overs.