I can’t believe summer is almost over and school is about to start. Part of me is happy to see school beginning and the other part doesn’t want summer to end.
It will be nice for school to start because it means that my son and daughter will both be gone for at least part of the day. We will be able to get back into a designated routine. My son will be learning new things and making new friends. He won’t be so bored, wanting me to entertain him. I’m excited for my daughter to be back in preschool and continuing with her speech therapy. Since she had surgery on her palette and got hearing aids I’ve seen a vast improvement in her speech. She is finally able to make certain sounds. Once she starts speech therapy again I’m hoping it will make a difference as well.
But I’m going to miss summer for a few reasons. First of all I had such grand plans for this summer. This summer my daughter turned three and didn’t nap anymore. So I had the freedom to go places with out worrying about naptime. I was going to take my kids to the park every week. I was going to make sure that my son read at least 20 minutes every day. I was going to plan some fun activities. I wanted to work on letter recognition with my four-year-old. I wanted to go camping. My husband planned on taking my son dirt-biking every week. Now the summer is over and as I look back over my list I didn’t accomplish very many things on it.
We didn’t go camping but at least took a day trip into the mountains. We only went to the park a handful of times. We did go swimming a few times, even visited the local water park. We also went to the zoo. My children did participate in our libraries summer reading program. My son rode his dirt bike a few times and my husband actually found out that he is really good for his age. I spent two weeks in Utah with my family. My son got to play with his favorite cousin just four months older than him and my daughters their cousin just older then them. If you ask my kids they will say they had a great summer and I guess that is what matters.
Another reason is that as school starts I have realized that I will miss the freedom of summer days. Sleeping in with my kids. Not having to worry about schedules and time. Allowing my children (and me) to stay in our pajamas until after lunch. Turning on the sprinklers and letting them run around. Eating what we want when we want to. School demands that we follow a time schedule (which is both good and bad).
The last reason I will miss summer is because of my daughter Kelsey. She is going to be home alone for a few hours each day. I know that she is going to miss her siblings terribly. Alysta already asked if Kelsey could go with her to school. I wanted so badly to say, “Yes!” But it isn’t possible. Alysta goes to the school district developmental preschool and Kelsey doesn’t qualify. But it would be oh so nice to put all three of my kids on the bus each day and actually have a little time to myself. Oh well, I’ll just have to wait two years until Kelsey goes to kindergarten.
Are you looking forward to school starting? Or not?