One of my new friends said that she wants to nominate me for “a good neighbor award”. Now I have done a few things that have been nice for others but the one thing she wants to nominate me for is the one thing that I do not think needs to be recognized publicly. When I asked her why I should be nominated for this she said that it was because of the wonderful things that I did when we adopted.
Now as I have said on many occasions we did not do anything great by adopting. Reality is we were given the gift and I keep telling everyone this. I have keep trying to explain to that person that wants to nominate me that adopting is not something that needs to be recognized. There are plenty of people that focus on adoption I do not need nor do I want the recognition. We are the lucky ones.
If anyone wants to talk to us about adoption we will talk to anyone that wants to talk to us about it. We are very open about having adopted even the kids are open about it. I do not want to be praised for adopting three wonderful kids. I got a family without giving birth what is so special about that? How do I convince this person not to nominate me I truly will not accept any nomination for this. My husband and I always knew we wanted to adopt so we were just following our dreams and it lead us to three wonderful kids.
We celebrate the fact that we are a family by adoption. Next year will be our tenth family anniversary we are going to go on vacation and celebrate being a family. The kids want to do a cruise but seeing how many times I have taken the kids top the ER for accidents around the house I can only imagine someone falling over board. We will have to see what our 10 year family anniversary celebration will be.