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Ice Castles (1978)

Every so often when I blog about a movie, I get so wrapped up in the emotions I felt while watching the film that I just have to sit and sniffle for a minute before I can write. I loved “Ice Castles” to the point of silliness, and so pardon me a moment while I sit and sniffle.

Thank you; I believe I can now go forth.

I’ve mentioned how much I love figure skating and how much I love romantic movies. This one just hit the spot in so many ways.

Lynn-Holly Johnson stars as Lexie, a sixteen-year-old girl who has the desire to become a world-class figure skater. She trains with Beulah (Colleen Dewhurst) the owner of the local skating rink, but Beulah doesn’t have the knowledge to take Lexie as far as she needs to go. When a renowned coach comes to the area, Beulah encourages Lexie to sign on with her. This opportunity is everything Lexie has ever wanted, but it means making a lot of changes, including leaving behind her boyfriend, Nick.

As Lexie begins to rise to the top of her competition class, she starts drifting from the person she’s always been. The attention and the praise are addictive, and she finds herself wanting more. But then a freak accident robs her of her sight, and everything she’s ever hoped for seems at an end.
Going back home is hard for her to do, but she finds there the support she needs to keep going. And when she decides she wants to keep skating, Nick is right there, helping her adjust to the new world of darkness.

This movie does contain some language and I encourage you to watch it before showing it to your whole family so you can decide if there are parts you’d like to zoom over. You may also decide to designate it as a “Mommy movie” only. But either way, it’s well worth your time and will probably leave you just as sniffly as it leaves me.

This film is rated PG.

As an interesting side note: Nick is played by Robby Benson, who later went on to voice the Beast in Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast.” This is also the movie that features the Oscar-nominated song “Through the Eyes of Love.”

Related Blogs:

The Ice Princess

Beauty and the Beast

The Cutting Edge